Dog Health

The 8 Most Important Reasons to Exercise Your Dog

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Your dog’s health and happiness depend on exercise, just like yours does. In fact, regular dog exercise is especially important to maintain your dog’s long-term health and well-being. Here are 8 reasons why you should be making time in your busy schedule to make sure your dog gets enough physical activity every day.


Relieves Stress

Not only does exercise release endorphins in both you and your dog, but it’s a great way for your pet to get rid of excess energy. Exercising your dog gives him a chance to blow off steam, relieving stress from a long day at work or from being cooped up inside. Regular exercise can help decrease anxiety and prevent dogs from developing behavioral problems like chewing and destructive behaviors.


Decreases Anxiety

A tired dog is a happy dog. Walking, running, or playing at the park will tire out your pup in no time. This allows your pet more rest and relaxation and lowers their stress levels. Since exercise increases endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals), regular exercise can even combat seasonal depression in some dogs!


Helps Treat Arthritis

Regular exercise has been proven to relieve pain for dogs with arthritis, making it easier for them to get around. This will keep your pup feeling happier and healthier in addition to keeping them out of pain. When you’re planning your dog’s exercise routine, try to make sure they’re getting at least 30 minutes a day. If you have multiple dogs that need exercising, be sure to split up their time so they each get a fair amount of playtime.


Increases Bonding Time with Pet Parents

Exercising with your dog helps you bond with him and vice versa. Spending time together helps build a stronger relationship, which will translate into a happier pet. Look forward to going on long walks or runs with your pet—it’s both mentally and physically good for both of you!


Improves Bone and Joint Health

Exercising regularly helps keep dogs’ bones and joints strong, as well as their muscles. Dogs can get arthritis just like humans do. As they age, activities such as jumping up or running can cause painful irritation of these areas. Exercising regularly can also strengthen your dog’s heart and lungs and help them lose weight more easily.


Energizes the Dog After Long Periods of Rest

One of the most important reasons for exercising your dog is so that it’s able to release pent-up energy after sitting still for a long period of time. When dogs are left alone in a kennel, they tend to get very bored and restless. A tired dog will often act out, sometimes becoming destructive or getting into trouble if you’re not around to watch it carefully.


Provides Mental Stimulation

Studies have shown that just like humans, dogs get bored easily. Long periods of inactivity can result in destructive behaviors, poor eating habits, and lethargy. Exercising your dog is an excellent way to combat these symptoms by providing both physical and mental stimulation.


Keeps Dogs Safe in Their Old Age

As dogs age, they tend to lose muscle mass and become more susceptible to injury. A regular exercise routine can help them keep their strength in order to perform common dog tasks, such as jumping into a car or just walking around a block. It also provides an opportunity for socialization with other dogs, which is important for a happy pet.

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