Dog Health

Is Your Overweight Dog Fat-Shaming You? 4 Reasons Why Your Dog Can’t Lose Weight

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Your dog needs to lose weight. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get him on the diet wagon and through no fault of your own, he’s getting fatter by the day. You’re feeling guilty and frustrated, but it turns out that the blame may be with you after all. Here are four reasons why your overweight dog can’t lose weight and what you can do about it!


1) Does Your Dog Suffer From Anxiety

Anxiety can cause excessive panting and restlessness, so watch out for these signs that your dog might be anxious. If you think your dog has anxiety, try making some simple changes to your lifestyle. For example, avoid keeping your furry friend isolated in a crate or kennel all day when no one is home; give him plenty of exercise time in a large, fenced yard; and try playtime with other dogs (or even people). As always, talk to your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.


2) Are You Giving Your Dog The Wrong Diet

Do you feel bad for your dog because he’s overweight, despite his best efforts to get fit? If you’re trying to slim down with a plant-based diet, it might be time to take a look at what your dog is eating. Many common foods and treats that humans eat—like table scraps, packaged bread, and sugar—are full of carbs that can lead to weight gain in pets. As dogs age, they need fewer calories than when they were younger, so cutting back on their food intake may help them lose weight. Consult your vet about switching to a lower-calorie food if you have any concerns about how much your dog eats or exercises each day.


3) Is Your Dog Physically Active Enough

When dogs don’t get enough exercise and are overweight, it can lead to joint pain, poor breathing and serious medical issues. If your dog is overweight, you need to increase his activity level. This can be hard because some breeds of dogs are more active than others by nature. Plus, an older dog might not have as much energy as a younger one. But it’s important to make sure your dog is getting enough physical activity—for his sake and yours!


4) Are You Giving Your Dog Too Many Treats?

It’s important to keep your dog happy, and what better way to do that than with some tasty treats. But if you’re giving her too many, she/he could be gaining weight as a result. While a few extra treats won’t hurt, research shows it takes just two pieces of high-fat food each day to make your dog gain 1% of his body weight in just one month. This means he can become overweight in less than a year if you’re not careful!


Final Thoughts

Some dogs are naturally bigger than others and may not need to lose weight. Some breeds of dogs, like retrievers, are particularly prone to packing on pounds because they love food so much. If your pet is a skinny bone of a chihuahua, they might be begging for food more often simply because they’re more interested in finding food than actually eating it! If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or health, please consult with your veterinarian.

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