Dog Health

Four Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy and Strong

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Are you concerned about the condition of your dog’s teeth? You should be! Poor dental health in dogs can cause chronic infections, tooth loss, and even pain and discomfort. If you are at all concerned about your dog’s teeth, follow these four tips to keep your pooch’s chompers healthy and strong for many years to come.


Chew toys

One of the best ways to keep your dog’s teeth healthy is by providing them with chew toys or bones. Not only will you be helping their oral health, but they can be good for them mentally as well. Finding an appropriate toy or bone can be difficult at times. It isn’t as simple as going out and buying something off a shelf in a store; there are several different factors to consider, such as size and material. If you do choose to go that route, however, make sure that it is hard enough to help clean your dog’s teeth. The last thing you want is for your pet to swallow a large piece of plastic and get sick because of it.


Chew Treats

Ever wonder why doggy treats are shaped like little bones? It’s not only because dogs love meat, but because it encourages them to chew—and chewing is what keeps teeth clean. When you take your pup for a walk, keep an eye out for interesting-looking branches or dried-up sticks that he can gnaw on for a while, keeping his gums in shape. (Just make sure they’re safe for him first!) You can also give him rawhide chews that help scrape away plaque and tartar buildup. And if you’re looking for something more decadent, try frozen peanut butter–filled Kong toys! The peanut butter will stick to his teeth as he licks at it, helping remove plaque.



Brush your dog’s teeth at least two times a week for about two minutes each time. Be careful not to use too much pressure, because you could injure her gums or cause her discomfort. You can use human toothpaste, but some veterinarians recommend using a solution formulated specifically for pets instead since it is kinder on their throats. Some dentists recommend switching brushes regularly or using different kinds of brushes depending on what stage of tartar buildup your pet has reached.



Start your dog on a healthy diet with lots of chew toys and dry food. Dogs that eat dry food will naturally clean their teeth, just as you do when you crunch an apple or carrot. If you have any questions about what kind of food is best for your pet, ask your veterinarian for advice. You can also purchase special treats designed to help keep your dog’s teeth strong. Some of these treats are flavored with meat or cheese, so if you have a picky eater in your house, try giving him one of these treats first before offering him his usual kibble.


Regular Vet Visits

If you live in a major metropolitan area, chances are good that your local veterinarian offers deep cleanings. These visits are aimed at removing tartar and plaque from teeth. If they offer deep cleanings, it’s worth paying extra to have it done during regular checkups. It will be painful for your dog—even if you use anesthesia—so if he doesn’t need it, skip it!

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