Dog Behavior

9 Tips to Help Calming an Over-Excited Dog

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Have you ever seen a dog become so excited that he’s practically hyperventilating? If so, you know that it can be very difficult to calm him down. Although there are many things that contribute to over-excitement in dogs, we’ll look at the most common one – lack of mental stimulation and exercise! With this in mind, here are 9 tips on how to calm an over-excited dog.


1) Provide the Right Environment

Dogs are very attached to their environment. Some people even believe that dogs can suffer from anxiety, just like humans can. Whether your dog is overly excited or anxious, providing him with a stable and familiar surroundings will help him to calm down. The following tips can be implemented in any order: If you have recently relocated or remodeled your home, it’s a good idea for your dog to get accustomed to his new surroundings before you try calming techniques on him.


2) Keep Up Physical Activity

Staying active is a key part of living well with a dog. Exercising your pooch keeps them fit and healthy, while also giving you time to bond. Find fun ways to keep up physical activity with your dog: go for long walks, participate in agility competitions or go jogging. If you spend most of your day at work, invest in dog toys that help keep your pet physically active while you’re away.


3) Create a Relaxing Routine

Downtime is important for all of us but essential for a hyperactive dog. Dogs need time every day to rest and relax. Create an evening routine that helps your dog wind down, whether it’s taking a long walk after dinner or curling up on your lap while you read a book or watch TV. Remember, it’s easy for little things in our lives—coming home from work, preparing food—to become cues for excited behavior.


4) Play Games With Your Dog

Playtime is essential for keeping your dog happy and healthy. Dogs are natural explorers, so be sure you let them roam around and investigate new things—but not too far. A fenced-in yard gives your pup plenty of room to run around, but make sure it’s safe from any hazards that could hurt your pet. You may also want to consider investing in a ball thrower so they can play fetch on their own if you don’t have time during busy days.


5) Reach Out for Professional Help

You know your dog better than anyone, but that doesn’t mean you are able to help him right away. There are professionals out there who specialize in canine behavior. Even if you don’t think you can afford a professional trainer or counselor, it may be worth asking about reduced fee options. Many trainers will offer a session for free and then discuss payment options with clients on a case-by-case basis.


6) Take Time for Yourself

Many times we get so wrapped up in taking care of our dogs that we forget about our own needs. It’s essential for both you and your pet that you find time to recharge—not only will it make your days together more enjoyable, but it will ensure that neither of you burns out. Going on a daily walk with Fido can be just as relaxing for him as it is for you!


7) Make Sure Your Dog Gets Enough Sleep

It’s hard to be calm when you haven’t had enough sleep. Dogs are no different! A tired dog is much more likely to rest calmly in any given situation. Most dogs require 10 hours of sleep per day, so make sure you give them plenty of downtime throughout their day.


8) Implement These Fixes Gradually

Implementing fixes all at once can feel overwhelming, cause setbacks, and give your dog a chance to get used to being hyper. Start with one thing you want to change, implement it for a week or two, then add another change on top of that one. If your dog is overstimulated by everything, start by changing his diet first and working up from there.


9) Acknowledge Your Dog’s Needs

For some dogs, activity is their default mode—they can’t calm down until they’ve exhausted themselves. So if your dog seems really wound up, do everything you can to meet his physical needs: Let him out, give him a bath or vigorous rubdown with a towel, and get him on a leash for a long walk. Dogs who are desperate for exercise sometimes overheat or wear themselves out so much that they simply collapse and sleep.

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