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6 Mistakes You’re Making When Grooming Your Dog

6 Mistakes You're Making When Grooming Your Dog


6 Mistakes You’re Making When Grooming Your Dog

If you love your dog, then you’re probably pretty attached to him or her. You know their likes and dislikes and have taken them on walks plenty of times. However, if you’ve never owned your own dog before, then there are some grooming mistakes that you’re making without even realizing it. While we all want our dogs to look adorable, they need your help to stay healthy and clean in the meantime. Here are 6 things you should never do when grooming your dog!


1) Letting An Untrained Person Groom Your Dog

If you aren’t a groomer yourself, it might be tempting to hire your neighbor or a family member that has expressed interest in pet grooming. However, keep in mind that dogs and humans are two very different species; dogs have special grooming needs and may even react differently to people they don’t know well. If you must use someone who isn’t a professional groomer, ask for references and check them out thoroughly.


2) Assuming All Dogs Are The Same

Every dog is an individual with their own personality and grooming needs. Some breeds have thicker coats, and some are very active and always on the go. Speak to your groomer about what works best for your dog’s breed, coat type, breed of hair (yes dogs have different types of hair!), lifestyle, as well as their health status. Otherwise, you could end up with something worse than a matted mess!


3) Not Getting Them Trained As Puppies

Getting your dog used to grooming at a young age is important. If they’re not trained to tolerate grooming and nail clipping, they may try and run away or attack you when getting groomed as an adult. Start early on, take it slow, and be consistent.


4) Assuming You Can Do It Yourself

Many people think they can groom their dog just fine without a professional, but without proper training and certifications, you may be doing more harm than good. Investing in a professional is worthwhile because he or she will be using tools that are better for your dog’s skin, helping avoid injuries and disease. In addition to providing your dog with a healthier coat and improved appearance, hiring a groomer allows you to enjoy your time with your furry friend rather than focusing on his grooming needs.


5) Using Old Grooming Tools

Did you pick up your brushes and grooming supplies at a garage sale or did you buy them at a pet store? If it’s not too late, make sure you’re using professional-grade grooming tools to care for your dog. Just because something was once used on another dog doesn’t mean it will be good enough for yours. Old brushes can harbor mites and other harmful bacteria. They also typically have less bristle strength than newer models.


6) Incomplete Grooming

One of the most common dogs grooming mistakes is when owners try to do their pet’s grooming themselves. You might end up concentrating your brushing efforts on your dog’s back, missing other areas that need grooming just as much. So, it’s best to leave dog grooming to a professional and focus on what you can do: scheduling an appointment, picking up supplies, and bringing your pet to their regular appointment. It’s your responsibility to groom your dog correctly, so make sure you avoid making these common mistakes.

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