Food and Nutrition

25 People Foods That Are Safe and Healthy For Your Dog

Sometimes it’s hard to resist those puppy eyes as your doggo begs to share some of that delicious human food. When you want to share your human food from your table, make double sure that it is safe and non-toxic for your dog.

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Dogs metabolize foods differently as compared to humans.

For this reason, some foods are safe for humans to eat but can be toxic and potentially dangerous for dogs.

On the other hand, there are several people foods that are safe and healthy for your dogs to eat.


Here is the List of 25 People Foods that Your Dog can Eat


1. Carrots: Yes your dog can eat carrots

Both cooked and raw carrots are good for your dog. These are low in calories and are loaded with Vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Raw and fresh carrots are crunchy and good for your dog’s teeth.


2. Peanut Butter: Yes your dog can eat peanut butter

Peanuts don’t cause allergies in dogs. You can safely include peanut butter in your dog’s diet. However, we suggest to limit it. Peanut butter is high in fat & calories which can result in weight gain.

Use plain, unsalted, or unsweetened peanut butter whenever possible.


3. Eggs: Yes eggs are safe for your dog

Having boiled or cooked eggs for breakfast? Feel free to share with your furry friend. Eggs are full of vitamins and minerals and contain a good amount of protein.


4. Salmon: Cooked salmon is safe for your dog

Salmon are delish. Your furry friend will love this treat. Salmon is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acid and healthy fat which are helpful in keeping the fur & coat healthy.


5. Cheese: yes cheese is Safe for your dog

Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, fat, and protein. However, just like humans, some dogs can experience lactose intolerance.


6. Blueberries: yes blueberries are safe for your dog

Blueberry is full of nutrients, low in calories, and high in antioxidants, all of which are good for your dog’s health. So, feel free to share this healthy, yummy treat with your doggo.


7. Watermelons: yes melons are good for your dog

A watermelon is a healthy option for your pooch. These are delicious, low in calories, and are packed with Vitamins & Minerals.


8. Strawberries: yes strawberries are safe for your dog

Strawberries are delicious and healthy treats that you can share with your dog. These are full of antioxidants and vitamins. What more? Strawberries have certain enzymes that can help whiten your dog’s teeth.


9. Apple slices: yes apple slices are safe for your dog

Apple slices with seeds removed are good to share with your dogs. Apples are loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Just make sure to remove all the seeds.


10. Bananas: Yes bananas are safe for your dog

Bananas are excellent sources of fiber, vitamin B6, biotin, manganese, vitamin C, copper, and potassium, making it a highly nutritious food for your dog. However, they are loaded with carbs so give bananas in moderation.


11. Green Beans: Yes green beans are good for your dog

Green beans are rich in minerals, protein, vitamins, and fiber. This makes beans a healthy option for your dog. You can give it Chopped, steamed, raw, or canned.


12. Cooked Chicken: Yes cooked chicken is safe and healthy for your dog

Your dog will love cooked chicken. Simply boil or bake the chicken and give it to your dog. Cooked Chicken is a good source of natural & healthy animal protein.

Just don’t fry it in oil or add spices. Although healthy dogs can eat any type of cooked chicken, it’s best to avoid spices and oil.


13. Bread: Plain white or whole-grain bread is safe for your dog

Making bread toast for your breakfast? You can safely share a piece of bread with your dog. Just make sure that the bread does not contain any harmful ingredients such as raisins.

Brown bread and whole-grain bread are healthier options as compared to white bread.


14. Corn: Yes corn is safe for your dog

Boiled corn or raw fresh corn is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, linoleic acid, and antioxidants. You can occasionally share it with your dog.

However, don’t give Popcorns to your dog because kernels can get stuck and pose a choking hazard.


15. Green Peas: Yes green peas are safe for your dog

Green peas are one of the common ingredients of dog foods. These are low in calories and contain protein, fiber, and other vitamins & minerals.

You can simply boil them or cook them in the oven and share them with your dog. You can also share fresh raw green peas with your dog. Avoid canned peas as they can be high salt content.


16. Oatmeal: Yes oatmeal is safe for your dog

Out of dog food? Don’t worry! You can cook oatmeal and give it to your dog.

Plain oatmeal is safe and healthy for your dog. Oatmeal contains lots of fiber which is good for digestion.

Simply cook it and serve. Don’t add sugar to the oatmeal.


17. Broccoli: Yes broccoli is safe for your dog

Yes, dogs can eat broccoli. You can give both cooked and raw broccoli, as long as there are no spices, oil or salt added to it.

However, avoid giving too much broccoli to your dog because broccoli contains isothiocyanate, a compound that can irritate the digestive system in some dogs.


18. Sweet Potatoes: Yes sweet potatoes are safe for your dog

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber content, low in fat, and contain essential vitamins like B6, C, and A making them a safe & healthy treat for dogs.

You can simply boil them or cook in a microwave and give it to your dog.


19. Coconut: Yes coconut is safe for your dog

Coconut meat (the white part) and edible coconut oil can benefit your dog’s skin & coat. However, coconut also contains high fat and calories which can result in weight gain. So make sure you give coconut in moderation.


20. Mango: Yes mangoes are safe for your dog

Mangoes contain several vitamins and minerals along with lots of fiber, making it a healthy treat for your dog.

Peel the mango and remove the big seed before sharing it with your dog. Mangoes are sweet and yummy and your dog will definitely love this treat.


21. Oranges: Yes oranges are safe for your dog

Oranges are high in nutrients and low in calories making them a healthy treat. Your dog will definitely love the sweet and tangy flavor of an orange. However, some dogs can face an upset stomach, so monitor your dog.


22. Cooked Potatoes: Yes cooked potatoes are safe for your dog

Dogs can eat plain cooked potatoes. Boiled, roasted, microwaved potatoes can be easily added to your dog’s diet.

Do NOT give raw potatoes to your dog as it contains toxic enzyme solanine which becomes ineffective on cooking.

However, potatoes are high in carbohydrate content, so give in moderation as they can result in weight gain.


23. Cooked Rice: Yes cooked rice is safe for your dog

Rice is easy to digest. You can give plain and cooked brown or white rice to your dog. You can add boiled chicken, boiled carrot, beans, etc. to the rice to create a complete meal for your dog.


24. Blackberries: Yes blackberries are safe for your dog

Blackberries are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them an excellent treat for your dog. Both Fresh or frozen blackberries are safe for your dog.


25. Pineapple: Yes pineapples are safe for your dog

You can safely share fresh pineapple slices with your dog. Pineapple is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it a yummy and healthy treat. Just give in moderation.


Even though these people foods are safe, but should be included in your dog’s diet gradually, so you can monitor your dog for any adverse effects like allergic reactions.

Keep in mind that all dogs are different. One dog may tolerate food just fine, while another can experience allergic reactions.

Feel free to share these People Foods That Are Safe and Healthy For Your Dog, but in moderation.


Also, Check Out 21 People Foods That Are Toxic For Your Dog

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