Food and Nutrition

21 People Foods That Are Toxic For Your Dog

Dogs love to eat whatever their humans are eating. However, some of the human foods that you think are safe to share with your doggo can actually be potentially toxic.

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Certain foods that are safe & healthy for humans can be toxic to dogs.

Dogs have a different metabolism than humans.

Feeding the same Human foods to your furry friend can be very dangerous for his health and may even be life-threatening in some cases.


Here is the List of 25 People Foods that Are Toxic For Dogs

If you have a dog, he may beg to share your human food with him, but stay strong & keep these foods out of his reach.


1. Avocados: Can Be Harmful To Your Dog

The leaves, fruit, pits, and bark of avocados contain persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, and more serious signs in some dogs.

The concentration of persin is minute in the avocado Pulp, so some dogs may easily tolerate it. However, sensitive dogs can develop pancreatitis, even if they only eat a small amount of avocado pulp. So, it’s best to avoid it.


2. Xylitol: is Extremely Toxic to Dogs

Even small amounts of xylitol or xylitol-containing products like toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing-gum, sugar-free candy, etc. can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, and even death in dogs.


3. Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeine: Are Highly Toxic to Dogs

Even a small dose of caffeine or products containing caffeine like coffee grounds, tea, etc. can result in vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, restlessness, and an increased heart rate.

Some sensitive dogs may also lose muscle control and have tremors or seizures. So, keep all your caffeinated beverages out of his reach.


4. Grapes and Raisins: Can be Dangerously Toxic for a Dog

The Exact compound that causes poisoning is still unknown but even a small amount of grapes or raisin can prove fatal for your doggo.

Complications of Grapes and Raisin Toxicity includes Kidney Damage which often results in Sudden Kidney failure and Lack of Urination.


5. Alcohol: is Harmful To Your Dog

Cases of alcohol toxicity in dogs are rare. Because dogs are not naturally drawn to alcoholic beverages. However, accidents can happen.

Ingestion of alcohol can cause a steep drop in blood sugar, blood pressure, and body temperature. Severe intoxication can lead to seizures and respiratory failure.


6. Chocolates: Are Toxic For Your Dog

Chocolate is made from the roasted seeds of Cacao which contain caffeine and theobromine, these ingredients are toxic to dogs.

A small amount of chocolate might only give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea. However, a large amount of chocolate can be potentially dangerous and can result in muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding, or a heart attack.


7. Salt: is Bad For Your Dog

Dogs can easily tolerate a small amount of salt. However, Excess salt intake can results in vomiting within bad ingestion. Salt toxicity in dogs may even lead to weakness, diarrhea, muscle tremors, and seizures.


8. Onions, garlic, and chives: Are Toxic to Your Dog

Onions and Garlic may add flavor to your food but are highly toxic to the dogs. These contain compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates which are highly toxic to dogs. 

It causes damage to the Red blood cells of the dog and leads to conditions called hemolytic anemia, Heinz body anemia, and methemoglobinemia.


9. Macadamia nuts: Are Extremely Toxic to Dogs

Of all the animals, macadamia nuts toxicity is only reported in the dogs. Macadamia nuts are poisonous for all breeds of dogs.

The toxicity leads to a nonfatal syndrome characterized by vomiting, weakness, tremors, an increase in body temperature, joint stiffness, inability to walk, and diarrhea.


10. Cooked Bones: Are Harmful To Your Dog

Dogs love bones. However, cooked bones can be potentially dangerous for your dog as these can splinter, causing potentially serious internal damage or intestinal obstruction.


11. Corn on the cob: Can be Potentially Dangerous to Your Dog

Although corn itself is safe for dogs, feeding corn on the cob can be potentially dangerous.

Your dog may love to chew on corn cobs but feeding corn on the cob to your dog may lead to choking, blockage, and Intestinal obstruction.

The risk is highest for puppies, small dogs, and medium dog breeds.


12. Milk: Can be Toxic to some dogs

Some dogs can easily tolerate and digest milk, cheese, ice cream, or other dairy products.
While others may show lactose intolerance with symptoms such as gas, diarrhea, or vomiting, whenever they consume milk or milk products.


13. Raw Meat & Fish: Can Be Bad For Your Dog

The raw diet is gaining popularity. Organic raw meat and organic raw fish are safe, however, your regular raw meat and fish can contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Some fish such as Salmon, if eaten raw, can cause severe poisoning in dogs.

It’s best to feed roasted or boiled meat and fish to your dog.


14. Sugar: is Bad For Your Dog

Refined sugar, Sugary foods, sugary treats, etc. is bad for your Dog’s health. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, cavities, and upset stomach in dogs.

The natural sugar in the form of fruits, carbohydrates, etc. is a better & healthier option for your dog.


15. Human Vitamins: Can pose a little poisoning risk to your dog

You may think that it’s ok to share your multivitamins with your dog but it is not! Human multivitamins can be toxic to dogs, especially Vitamin D, Iron & Calcium.

Dogs do require vitamin supplements but in smaller quantities as compared to humans. And most multivitamins have too much vitamin, which is toxic for dogs.


16. Liver: Can Be Toxic to Your Dog

Although, the liver is rich in nutrients. It has a large concentration of Vitamin A, which can lead to a condition called hypervitaminosis A. Symptoms include bone deformity, joints damage, bad digestion, muscle weakness, weight loss, etc.


17. Fat Trimmings: Are Bad For Your Dog

You can always share some fat from your steak with your dog. However, don’t make it a habit. Fat trimmed from meat can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and also cause pancreatitis in dogs. 


18. Candy, Chewing Gum, Toothpaste & Mouthwash: Are Toxic For Your Dog

These products contain xylitol which is toxic to dogs. Candy and chewing gum contain on average 0.22-1.0 grams of xylitol per piece. So, even a single piece of chewing gum is enough to make a 10-pound dog ill.


19. Apple Seeds: Are Toxic For Your Dog

Apple fruit itself is not harmful to your dog. However, Apple seeds contain minute amounts of cyanide which is released when they’re broken or chewed. So, If you are giving apple slices to your dog make sure to get rid of the seeds.


20. Marijuana: is Toxic to Your Dog

The psychoactive chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC) found in Marijuana is toxic to dogs. Dogs can experience toxicity by eating the plant, inhaling marijuana smoke, or eating baked goods or other foods containing marijuana.


21. Rhubarb: is Toxic to Your Dog

The rhubarb plant contains oxalic acid in all parts of the plant with the highest concentration in the leaves. Rhubarb toxicity can lead to tremors, kidney failure, and coma.


It can be tempting to give your furry friend leftovers or to share your human food with them, but some of the foods that healthy and safe for us humans can be potentially toxic to dogs. So next time you decide to share your food with your doggo, be extra cautious.

Also, Check Out 25 People Foods That Are Safe and Healthy For Your Dog

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