Dog Grooming

12 Dog Care Routine to Keep Your Dog Healthy All Year Round!

Keeping your dog healthy & happy doesn’t have to be a daunting task! Follow these 12 dog care routines to keep your best buddy happy and healthy.

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As a responsible dog parent you want to do everything you can to care for your furry friend; this involves regular, everyday activities to make sure they stay happy and healthy.

Follow these 12 dog care routines year after year to keep your best buddy happy and healthy.


1. Veterinarian visits

Responsible dog parenting starts with regular visits to the vet. Just like humans, dogs need regular checkups. You will need more frequent visits to the vet when your dog is young so that the pup can get all his vaccinations.


2. Vaccinations

Vaccinating your doggo is a vital component of responsible dog parenting. Soon after welcoming your new furry friend into your home, schedule an appointment with your vet. The vet will set up a vaccination schedule for your dog based on his age and previous vaccination history.

Proper vaccination help prevents deadly diseases such as rabies, Lyme disease, and distemper.


3. Proper Identification

It’s heartbreaking if someone’s dog gets lost, isn’t it? You will never want this to happen to your doggo. Start with the basics: a  GPS dog collar will help you track your furry friend. In addition, you can also opt for Microchipping your pet.


4. Spaying/Neutering

Neutering your puppy helps lessen aggression and an urge for roaming the neighborhood, and will prevent him from getting testicular cancer, unwanted pregnancies, and a host of other health benefits.


5. Fresh Clean Water and Healthy Food

This one goes without saying. The right dog food will enrich your furry friend’s life, providing them with optimal nutrition they need to stay fit and healthy. Dogs, like humans, need to drink water every day to prevent dehydration, so make sure to provide your best buddy with a bowl of fresh cool water at regular intervals.


6. Regular Cleaning & Grooming

Dogs are just like small human babies. Your dog is not going to brush his teeth or take a bath himself. You need to be his caretaker. Brushing their teeth, combing their coat and providing them with regular baths keeps them healthy, good looking & smelling good.


7. Comfortable Relaxing/Sleeping space

just like humans, dogs too need a comfortable space to relax and sleep. Make sure to provide your doggo a safe, cozy habitat. A fluffy bed with some blankets will do the job for winters whereas it needs to be some airy space for summers.


8. Training and Socializing

A well-trained Dog is a happy dog, and that translates to a happy dog parent. From toilet training to obedience training and behaving socially, your dog needs to learn it all. Your local dog trainer can easily help you with this gig.


9. Exercise & Play Time

All dog loves to play with their humans. However, depending upon the breed, your dog will need regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. From going on a regular walk to playing fetch with your dog, there are tons of fun activities that you can enjoy. What more, going out and playing with your dog also helps you to stay active.

Check out these five fun ways to work out with your dog!


10. Keep Your Dog Lean

Dogs that are overweight are at the risk of various health issues. Obesity is the #1 nutritional disease seen in dogs. Being overweight or obese puts your dog at risk for joint disease, heart disease, diabetes, and several other diseases.


11. Keep your Dog’s mouth clean

Teeth problem is one of the most common health problems in Dogs. If left untreated, oral health issues may even lead to heart and kidney disease. It is very important to keep your dog’s teeth clean.

If your dog isn’t a big fan of toothbrushes (most dogs hate this) there are other alternatives as well which your dog will definitely love! You can try dental diets, treats, and toys which can easily help you keep up with your dog’s oral hygiene!


12. Do not allow your Dog to roam unsupervised

Allowing your dog to roam free may seem like you’re giving your dog some freedom. However, dogs that roam alone are susceptible to a number of dangers, including automobile accidents, attacks by strays, exposure to contagious diseases, and more! Apart from this, your dog may bite someone and poop in the private spaces of others.

If you have a big open space, farm, or something similar, feel free to let your dog roam alone and play otherwise don’t.


Make these Dog care routine a part of your regular dog parenting role to keep your best buddy happy and healthy.

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